Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Presidents Page August 2010

As the month of July ends I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful summer we've had so far. Our area seems to be quite lucky this year with the weather as most gardens and field crops are growing well.On my way to work I pass a field of corn and I swear you could notice the growth every day for the last few weeks.
This past month we lost a good man in the passing of John Buch. I personally cosidered John a good friend, as I'm sure most people that got to know him would. He was one of the good old boys whose word and a handshake was all that was needed to seal a deal. I know there are many including myself that when we asked him how much, he would say I'll catch you next time. He had a number of antique and classic vehicles that are being sold at the end of this month (July).
Now on to another good man in our midst. Our own Dave Lemkay was named "Citizen of the Year" for Admaston- Bromley Township. It is beyond any doubt that they made a very wise choice. There are few people that could match the time and effort that Dave contributes to this area. Congratulations Dave we are proud to have you as a friend and member.
I hpoe to see many of our club members this Saturday as we take a short tour of the Round Lake, Killaloe and Lake Clear area and then to Muriel Rolfe's home.
Please remember our meetings on the first Wednesday of each month and I'll see you then.