Sunday, January 2, 2011

President's Page January 2011

I just finished shovelling the driveway again. We sure seem to be getting our share of the white stuff lately. Years ago I didn't mind the snow and cold weather so much but now I would rather it fell somewhere else.
Looking back on the last year and all the events that we've had and the good times we've shared makes me confident 2011 will be as good or better. We have a great number of people in our club who are very generous with their time and talents and are always there when needed. My sincere thanks to all of you that have helped make my first year in this position as enjoyable as it has been.
Looking forward to the new year I hope we continue to grow in membership and that we continue to share enjoyable times together at our upcoming meetings and events.
I just recently met a gentleman who is restoring an older MG, in fact I straightened the frame for him and he is having the frame sand blasted and painted at my place of work before he re-assembles the car. This is not his first restoration of a MG and he seems to know them very well. I was amazed at how solid the frame was, considering it's age but as we know they used good steel back then. He has expressed some interest in our club so I'll definitely follow up on that.
In closing I hope Santa was good to everyone and I wish you all a very Happy New Year. See you at our next meeting