Sunday, October 28, 2012

President's Page November 2012

Hello all. Our beautiful fall colours lingering well into this month is such a bonus. While we didn’t proceed with a colour tour, many members have been touring around and meeting each other here and there. Such a lovely fall should remind us to give thanks for the collective wealth we share in Canada for security and freedom.

Our October meeting at the Sands on Golden Lake was most enjoyable – there’s not a better place to enjoy the sunset than there! Thanks to Jeff and Jeff who were most gracious in giving us the downstairs meeting room gratis.

Our Car Club is always welcomed at Oktoberfest in Ladysmith. Some of our members have gone there since the early 1970s when it was more of a steam & machinery show. While the weather was a bit threatening, it really didn’t rain until well after the parade and afternoon show. It was another fun family outing for us this year.

Our club, has lost one of its longstanding members with the passing of Stanley Priebe. Stan passed away on Sunday, October 21st. Stan joined us in Eganville’s “Melissa Bishop parade” in the 1939 Chevrolet and at the Renfrew Car Show too. Only in the past couple of weeks he had been in the Pembroke Regional Hospital. As you read this, we will have been involved in the funeral. Please keep Lila and family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time for them.

As we wind down somewhat from driving season events, the “calendar” is considerably smaller. Likely most members have tucked their vehicles away for hibernation, although with this nice weather some may be holding out for another tour, even if it’s on their own. The Caddy still gets out for a spin as I tour with the keyboard and amp in the back with others in the Car Tunes band. Everything fits nicely into that back seat rather than into my little Suzuki. Dave has plans to put it away this week in Renfrew, but the Model A will stay here in our barn so he can do some work on it over winter.

The Christmas Shine banquet and dance on Saturday, December 8th is coming together nicely. Lorne Troutman has designed and printed tickets so they’ll be available at our meeting in November. The cost is $25.00 per person, which includes a full course turkey and roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. Gail Hanson has worked her magic in buying all the special door prizes for that evening. I am told that John has been conscripted to do the wrapping. Our thanks goes out to them. Our Antique Car Tunes & Christmas CD’s will be playing for that evening. We invite other musical members to please join in with us. The more the merrier. The Car Tunes volunteer at many Seniors’ residences through the year and we do have a lot of fun. We are always open to others joining us. Kaye O’Gorman has volunteered to entertain with her keyboard talents and singing voice. Speaking of singing, here’s a personal invitation to Wally Cochrane to join in too.

I encourage all members to search for old Christmas ornaments, etc. for our auction. Proceeds from November and December offset the expenses for the Christmas banquet. November 7th Meeting at Joey’s Restaurant, Social 5:30, Dinner at 6:00 followed by meeting at 7:00.