Friday, January 25, 2013

President's Page February 2013 ~ Our 50th Year

With a bit of play on words, we are “bumper riding” behind January already with crisp, cold weather, reminding us clearly, that we are Canadians.

Our January meeting was successful in developing many plans for our 50th Anniversary. Thanks to so many for coming forward to offer and discuss suggestions for our touring in this signal year 2013. Right off the bat, we will gather at Joey’s Restaurant on March 21st for an afternoon session to go over old pictures and other memorabilia to help the Commemorative Yearbook Committee to begin to scope out design and content basics.

A lot of you have stepped up to the plate, including Dan and Pam Hewitt who are working on a special springtime excursion to be announced soon. In the latter part of June we are invited to bring our cars to Grace Lutheran Church on Green Lake Road as it celebrates its 150th Anniversary. Our 50th Anniversary BBQ will be held in July at Tommy & Shannon Dunfield’s with 60s music provided by Simon Clarke. In addition to other old car events in August, you can plan to enjoy a blockbuster President’s Mystery Tour. And before you know it, we’ll be into autumn with all the regular events including our Road-A-O in September and Oktoberfest in Ladysmith. Neil and Lori are setting up a return visit to the September 29th Mount St. Patrick supper. The ladies from the mountain make the best tasting pies ever – and lots of them!

It’s understandable that the summer months are busy times for families. In this climate, we are forced to fit a lot activity into a few prime months – our driving time. ACCP membership doesn’t carry the obligation to attend all functions, so we try to optimize our events, that’s all we can do. Our club has a rich tradition of being a good family organization and we will carry on in that vein. We will have the opportunity to showcase a lot of wonderful pictures of members who have passed on, and there will lots of pictures of the younger generations who’ve been engaged in our tours over the past 50 years, now all grown up themselves and busy elsewhere.

Our Antique Car Tunes band continues to perform throughout the area at special homes for very special people. It’s one way of giving back to the seniors who were the builders of our communities ahead of us. Our old vehicles are extensions of us, of our club and with them we can bring a bit of cheer to many people.

We look forward to the February meeting at Joey’s on the 6th, with socializing and stacking of auction commodities starting at 5:30, dinner at 6:00, meeting at 7:00. See you then. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Delores Lemkay, President