Nathan and Andrea’s family photo alongside the Model A - Photo by: Karen Kavanaugh Photography
To all members and friends:
Here we are approaching September and staring into autumn, wondering where did the summer go? Looking back with fond memories on our tours, meetings and personal outings, clearly it has been another busy summer. Some of you are still on vacation, some are preparing for 'fiddle park' and others for the Barrie Flea Market. It seems that the fall brings with it a more relaxing atmosphere, a sort of getting back into a routine that makes sense. Nonetheless, with the rich fall colours and abundance of vegetables and fruit, it’s truly a special season – a time to reflect and realize how thankful we can be.
At our August meeting we were few in number, with the approach of a storm and possible tornado. It wasn’t conducive or encouraging for us to attempt to camp out at the Waterfront. We can be thankful to Chris at Joeys Restaurant for allowing us on short notice to use his place to conduct our meeting. Sitting high and dry, we soon noticed the down-pour of rain.
Apologies to those who had driven to the waterfront, and who may have missed our exodus to Joey’s. With the help of others, I made an executive decision to ensure the safety and comfort of all.
Our most recent new members, Larry & Margaret Smith have placed their handsome 1959 Dodge Custom Royal on the front cover, along with a nice write-up on the history of that unique year. Welcome Larry and Margaret, it’s great to have you join the ACCP family. There are a number of 'Dodge' aficionados who will be happy to have the extra support.
This month, some had the opportunity to tour to Round Lake Centre for the 'Party in the Park followed by the Popkie Mill Car Show. This past week, we were entertained by Wendy and Phil, in a Fiftieth Anniversary Ice Cream Cone Cruise Night, visiting some of our heritage at the little garage at the former Stresman’s Store where initial meetings were held and to the former Roy Wegner’s Plumbing Shop on Bruham Avenue where we gathered for so many years. Thanks to Wendy and Phil for reviving this tradition and making it a special evening.
The President’s Mystery tour will have taken place by the time you read this… so you will know that the tour combines two provinces, a cache of great original old cars and a wonderful meal at an Ottawa Valley heritage landmark.
To all members and friends, our next meeting will be held back at the Champlain Trail Museum, Wednesday, September 4th, at 7pm. Maybe it will make sense to bring along your lawn chairs so that if the weather is nice, we could meet on the lawn (or in the church). Remember, to bring your auction items.
As Roy Rogers would sing: “Happy Trails to you, until, we meet again” Delores