Tuesday, October 22, 2013

President's Page - November 2013 ~ Our 50th Year

Youngest ACCP member Daisy Hewitt sizing up a Model A Ford

We are all still enjoying the bonus of beautiful weather and for some of us, the old cars, trucks and motorcycles have been able to dodge (excuse the pun) winter storage a bit longer.

Our Oktoberfest tour to Ladysmith was threatened with poor weather although there was still a nice array of vehicles in the parade. Thanks to all who toured over to join in for a total of 78 vehicles despite the rain that certainly did eventually come.

Our October meeting was fun at the Kingburger – a nice change from routine. This venue suited us well and we’re heading there again for the November meeting.

Speaking of which, the November meeting is exciting for our club as the nominations committee, headed up by Ron Roy will present the outcome of their hard work in the slate of nominees for the 2014-15 executive. As other clubs and institutions, we face challenges to find new volunteers to step up onto the 'running board' for the new term. ACCP, apparently like other such clubs, faces changing demographics of its membership. As we collectively move through life, there are always new challenges that might take a bit more of our leisure time.

And, clearly, taking on a position in the club’s management does require dedication of one’s time and energy.

As I close in on the end of my two-year term (Yikes has it been that long?!) I have enjoyed working with all of you on the executive and in the general membership. You all make a great team in which to work. It’s the building on input from all of you, which makes our club successful and active. Looking forward, we may want to consider some changes that could streamline our calendar. For instance, would something less than 12 monthly meetings suit us better? Just a thought.

November 27th is the Christmas Parade in Pembroke. The theme this year is Christmas at the North Pole. A number of volunteers have come forward from the last meeting who will work with Neil & Lori Videto in creating our 2013 – 50th Anniversary entry.

Lorne has had tickets printed for our Christmas Banquet. This will take place on Saturday December 8th at Victoria Hall. These will be available to purchase at the November meeting. Remember that there’s the opportunity to invite family and friends; all are welcome. We will have a full-course meal of Prime Rib Beef Roast, Herbed Lemon Chicken and all the fixings. The $25.00 per person ticket covers a full evening of entertainment with door prizes and handing out of some of the traditional year-end trophies: “Crank of the Year”; “President’s Participation Trophy” and “Rodeo Champ”.

To reiterate: Our November meeting will be at the Kingburger Restaurant at 1294 Pembroke St. W. with socializing at 5:30, dinner at 6:00 and business at 7:00 o’clock. I look forward to seeing you then.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

President's Page October 2013 ~ Our 50th Year

To all members and friends of the ACCP:

We are now well into the Harvest Season with farmers taking off their crops and gardeners reaping their bounty, storing and canning in preparation for the months ahead. It’s perhaps a bit early, but our thoughts are already on storing our autos, boats and other toys for the winter. I know of some of us who have acquired an extra toy here or there, which means the garage or barn needs to be rearranged or expanded.

This past month has been fun but a bit of a challenge, at times, to determine which event or tour to engage in. With Pembroke’s Hockeytown Centennial Parade, The Renfrew Car Show and the Renfrew County Plowing Match all taking place on the same day, September 14th, it certainly reminds us we are all busy in a most busy season. I thank all the members who have volunteered their time so freely in bringing their vehicles and families to help make each event a success. Over the club’s fifty years, one thing is clear; tours and other such events only come together well with a lot of ‘behind the scenes’ preparation.

We welcome Myrna and Lorne back from the East. They’re a big part of our ACCP family and their absence in summer is certainly noticed. We offer condolences on the passing of Myrna’s sister. On a happier note, the question is: “when is Maiden Lane the Lobster Fest” ?

By this meeting, we’ll be just getting over the fine fare at the Mount St. Patrick’s Parish Supper and there’s already good vibes about Oktoberfest in Ladysmith. Dave has suggested an interesting route and meal venue for a fall colour tour if the weather holds out, and then there’s the Christmas Shine on Saturday, December 7th. For this, there will be tickets printed and available by the November meeting. Plan ahead to invite family and friends to join us for a fun-filled evening. Guaranteed, it will be an entertaining Christmas party. We’re confident that Santa has had ample time to work on his beard for this year.

Our October 2 meeting venue has been changed to the Kingburger Restaurant, 1294 Pembroke St. W. in the dining room there. Myles and staff are looking forward to us joining them at 5:30 o’clock for a socializing, dinner at 6:00 and for any who wish to attend only the meeting, it will start at the usual time of 7:00. I look forward to seeing you all then.                                                    Delores