Thursday, March 20, 2014

President's Page - April 2014

Welcome Spring!  Welcome Equinox!

In that winter has been hanging around since its arrival in November, nobody can argue that we have had a true Canadian winter.  Some of our group were fortunate to enjoy the sunny south and others of us enjoyed the true Canadian winter - keeping the home fires burning and all that stuff.  Seeing the last of the fishing huts on Golden Lake, I’m glad that in our household, we’ll soon be thinking whitewalls not white fish.

Our February meeting at Algonquin College campus, besides being educational, was a great kick-off event for 2014. Thanks to Daniel Hewitt for making this possible and to instructor Mark Stevens who took the time after his regular day to present the Motive Power Program and give us a tour of the new Algonquin College Pembroke campus with its state-of-the-art shops, labs and classrooms.  Thanks to Jamie Bramburger for arranging meeting room # 200, the Gerry and Doreen Binhammer Room, which we had for our brief March business.

It will soon be time for all of us to clear a path to the door to maneuver our antique vehicles from storage and get them all shined up for the next seven months of touring.  It’s sort of good excuse to commence certain “spring cleaning” and that should mean that we see a new batch of good auction items.  We think that our sometimes zany auction does make for a light-hearted conclusion of our meetings - a little fun to raise a little money in support of club projects.

Thanks to Margaret and Howard Moore for featuring their 1971 Chevrolet truck, recently purchased at the Barrett - Jackson auction in Las Vegas.  We look forward to the addition of this beauty on our upcoming tours as it adds to the Chevrolet complement within the club.                         
Our April 2nd meeting will be held at Dineamics Food and Drink (formerly Shots Sports Bar) located at 185 Pembroke St. E., directly across from the Pembroke Post Office.

There’s plenty of parking in the back or if you come early there is parking in the front as well.   Our social time will commence at 5:30 in the dining room/bar area.  You may wish to order off the menu or check as to what the appetizer may be for that day.  The management and staff have allowed for us to use their large meeting room afterwards for 7pm.  Thanks to Don Stresman for arranging this change of venue.  Look it up on line – it has lots of good reviews. 

We have survived yet another St. Patrick’s Day celebration with lots of traffic in good old Douglas, but it’s time for some spring weather! 

See you all soon.                              Delores