Sunday, February 7, 2010

President's Page February 2010

Hello everyone, time for another issue of the president's page. Our club is off to a good start with a couple events already planned for the near future.
First on the list is a social get to-gether at Popkie's mill, set for Sat. Jan. 23, from 1 p.m. until whenever we leave. Don Stresman is doing a phone blitz to make everyone aware of this event. Last year we had a good turn out and hopefully this year we will have another great day.

Feb. 14 is the date set for the "Horse- drawn sleigh rides" at Schmidt's farm. Another great get-together for some good old-time fun. So bring your "Valentine" and dress warm for a sleigh ride in the great outdoors.

Hats off to Don Stresman for all his work in organizing both these upcoming events.

Our current restoration project is well under way. The guys have the old railway motor car totally disassembled and the plans are to have some parts sand-blasted and some new parts constructed before the re-assembly begins.

Plans are underway to revive the annual "A.C.C.P. Rodeo". I imagine this brings back some fond memories to those who remember this event from years gone by. The organizing committee hopes to create a fun filled day for all who attend.

Looks like we could have another busy year ahead of us, which bodes well for our club. Thanks to all those that make my job a pleasure.
Wayne Brohart
P.S. The image above is of my present project and as you can see it's quite a project!

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