Sunday, September 21, 2014

President's Page - October 2014

Andrea and Delores on the neighbour’s steps circa 1987

Hello fellow members & friends:  
We are nicely approaching our Autumn season and array of colours that goes with it.  Our Club has had a busy month of tours and events throughout the Valley with car shows and country fairs.  

Our traditional Rodeo and picnic at Lake Dore Park was another hit with the first nice weather in a week. Thanks to Dan Hewitt and his family and volunteers Wayne and Ray & Julie for making this a fun and memorable occasion.  The hamburgers were the best ever, corn delicious and desserts were plentiful and enjoyed by all.  Thanks to those who donated desserts.  Our Club has a few “sweet tooths” that enjoy the grand finale of sugar. There are some winners from the skilled driving test including Larry and Marg Smith in their 1959 Dodge Custom Royal.  Some ‘runners-up’ for a sequel to the Bonnie and Clyde movie, as in target shooting presented a tie between Larry & Marg,  Jim Savage and daughter Samantha and Don Stresman and Pam Hewitt.  The tie breaker was won by Jim and Samantha in the T-bird.  Congratulations to all good sportsmen and sportsladies. 

Our Antique Car Tunes have had lots of activity over the past nine months with playing at various seniors’ residences and other special events.  We have had to postpone our trip to Nashville until the musical instruments cool down a bit. Lori and Neil have assured us their 1960 Ford Thames Van is ready to drive us there.  (Not the bus that Ron Roy has been offering)

This Classic and Antique Car / Toy Show at the Rankin Culture and Recreation Centre in August was very well organized.  Congratulations to Chris and Wayne Brohart, who won first prize in the motorcycle judging with their Harley Davidson. One of the guests that attended the show lost their camera, which is a black Cannon in a red casing.  If anyone has seen this camera, please contact Murray and Shelley Dole, the organizers of the Car Show. 

We offer condolences to the TerMarsch family on the passing of Joan’s brother Stewart Burns in Florida.  Stewart had joined in on past tours as a passenger with Cal & Joan.

The Calendar of Events page gives an update of our upcoming cruises, with Oktoberfest in Ladysmith next up.  Speaking future cruises, Renfrew is building an A & W Drive-In Restaurant along the O’Brien Road corridor (right across from Dave’s office).  Perhaps that can be one of our tour stops next Spring.

There are big changes in our household.  Number one daughter Andrea, turns 30 this month and it seems like only yesterday that this little gal joined the club.  She and Nathan have moved into their new lakeside home in Beachburg.  Number two daughter Addie is off to college in Lindsay so it’s empty nest at Maplebrae in Douglas.

For our next meeting we return to the Kingburger with Myles and staff catering to our needs from 5:30 until meeting start time at 7pm.  Speaking of catering, we can chat at our meeting of our Christmas Party venue.  To think that is only two and a half, months away, this will give some good input to our food committee to plan for the late-evening luncheon.  Our auction at the end of the meeting, continues to bring much laughter and funds towards our ACCP expenses.  Perhaps there are some Fall ornaments that one may wish to part with or early Christmas decorations.  See you all on Wednesday, October 1st at the West end Kingburger.      

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